Majorityrights News > Category: World Affairs

Africans Deported from Israel “Appear” in Rome

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 18 January 2018 06:59.

‘Refugees’ by way of Israel with money enough from there for a one way ticket to Europe.

New Observer, “Africans Deported from Israel “Appear” in Rome”, 9 Jan 2018:

African invaders who were earlier “voluntarily deported” from Israel to Rwanda with a $3,500 payment each have been found and interviewed in Rome, according to the United Nations High Commission on Refugees.

According to a statement issued by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler at a press conference today at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, at least 80 of the Africans deported from Israel were interviewed by UN representatives “between November 2015 and December 2017 in reception centres and informal settlements in the Rome area.”

The UNHCR statement called on the Jewish ethnostate not to proceed with its plans to deport nearly 40,000 Africans, as announced in November last year.

The UNHCR said that it was making the appeal to Israel after “some 80 cases were identified in which people relocated by Israel” had taken “onward journeys to Europe via Libya.”

“All 80 cases involved Eritrean refugees or asylum seekers who were “interviewed by UNHCR staff in Rome,” the statement said, adding that the Africans then travelled “hundreds of kilometers” through South Sudan, Sudan and Libya “after being relocated by Israel.”

From Libya, they had crossed the Mediterranean to invade Europe,

“The interviews–all with adult males, some with family members still in Israel–took place between November 2015 and December 2017 in reception centers and informal settlements in the Rome area. All had entered Israel via the Sinai,” the UNHCR statement continued, peppering each sentence with patently bogus claims that the invaders have been “tortured and mistreated” at every step—a standard tactic by those seeking to justify the Third World invasion of Europe.

“Most said they had been transferred from Israel to a country in Africa and provided with a lump sum of US$3,500 dollars. However, the situation on arrival was different to what most had expected and with little further support provided beyond accommodation on the first night,” the UNHCR statement continued, providing some insight into how the Jewish state is getting rid of its African spongers.

“In light of this, UNHCR is seriously concerned over Israel’s plans announced on January 1st to forcibly relocate Eritreans and Sudanese to countries in Africa or have them face indefinite detention,” UNHCR statement said.

“Official statements that the plans may eventually target families and those with pending asylum claims, or that asylum seekers might be taken to the airport in handcuffs, are particularly alarming.

“At a time when UNHCR and partners in the international community are engaged in emergency evacuations from Libya, forced relocation to countries that do not offer effective protection and the onward movement of these people to Libya and Europe is particularly worrisome.

“There are some 27,000 Eritreans and 7,700 Sudanese in Israel. Since Israel took over refugee status determination from UNHCR in 2009, only ten Eritreans and one Sudanese have been recognized as refugees.

“Another 200 Sudanese, all from Darfur, were granted humanitarian status in Israel and there was an announcement that another 300 will follow. Israel has not received any Eritreans or Sudanese since May 2016.”

Remarkably, the UNHCR said that it was prepared nonetheless to help the Jewish state get rid of its Africans:

“UNHCR stands ready to work with Israel to find alternative solutions for the protection needs of asylum seekers, in line with international standards. This includes resettlement out of Israel, as has happened previously”, the statement ended.

America: Making The World Safe for Hypocrisy

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 15 January 2018 11:39.

The Heartfelt Hypocrisy Of The American Conscience

by William Hanna

Note the war drums in the video

While many of us may applaud the commendable outpouring of American public outage over President Trump’s supremacist “shithole” comment, we should not forget that those same Americans have maintained almost seven decades of unconscionable silence over far worse supramacist comments by Israeli leaders who take pride in statements that characterise and dehumanise Palestinians as never having existed; as having to be killed unless they were resigned to live as slaves; as being beasts walking on two legs; as being like crocodiles who when given more meat, wanted even more; as a people whose physical homes should be obliterated to prevent more snakes being raised in them; and as deserving to be bombed back to the Middle ages.

Furthermore, those currently outraged Americans have not only remained silent over rampant supramacism in Apartheid Israel but they have gone a stage further by wholeheartedly supporting and financing Israel’s ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people: and they have done all this despite the U.S. Department of State’s alleged respect for democracy and human rights.

“Democracy and respect for human rights have long been central components of U.S. foreign policy. Supporting democracy not only promotes such fundamental American values as religious freedom and worker rights, but also helps create a more secure, stable, and prosperous global arena in which the United States can advance its national interests. In addition, democracy is the one national interest that helps to secure all the others. Democratically governed nations are more likely to secure the peace, deter aggression, expand open markets, promote economic development, protect American citizens, combat international terrorism and crime, uphold human and worker rights, avoid humanitarian crises and refugee flows, improve the global environment, and protect human health.”

“The protection of fundamental human rights was a foundation stone in the establishment of the United States over 200 years ago. Since then, a central goal of U.S. foreign policy has been the promotion of respect for human rights, as embodied in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The United States understands that the existence of human rights helps secure the peace, deter aggression, promote the rule of law, combat crime and corruption, strengthen democracies, and prevent humanitarian crises.”

Ultimately, irrespective of how many American lawmakers, TV anchors, and pundits condemn the supremacist comments of their incumbent and ignorant President, the inescapable fact remains that not only did 62,980,160 Americans vote for him, but also the reality that most Americans are nothing but lamentable cowards and hypocrites when it comes to criticising Israel’s blatant and barbaric disregard for the human rights of the indigenous Palestinians. Thanks to their unconditional support for Israel, the American people have lost their moral compass, abandoned the true principles of democracy, and shattered the American Dream.

William Hanna is a freelance writer - details at:

There are couple of important matters to note in regard to this article. One being that “rights” should not only regard individuals as being in need of protection; but also group rights as the designation of species potentially under threat as a pattern from patterns of aggressors; or even inadvertent destruction from other groups and individuals.

With regard to Trump’s “shit hole country” remarks, it is interesting to note in the context of this article that El Salvador, one of the countries that he referred to as a shit-hole, has apparently taken a large number of Palestinian refugees - there are approximately 100,000 Salvadorans with Palestinian ancestry; and with that, it is a country more wise than many to the hypocrisy of Israel. This may in part explain why it is not highly regarded by Trump and his ZOG. Why, in fact, in terms of deportation schedule, it is ranked even less urgent a matter than Haiti - the Haitians of which slaughtered entire French peoples, men, women and children the moment they disembarked from ship upon arrival in Haiti; despite their having come there upon fervent assurances that there would be no violence against them and pleas for help to rebuild the country after the Mulatto supremacist revolution had already slaughtered the prior French colonists and troops; and where after the Mulatto supremacists were, in turn, slaughtered by the blacks proper. These blacks are forbears of present day Haiti. Some of us wouldn’t mind having, and could have done a great deal better with, the kind of aid money that has been sunk into that s*** hole.

More Than A Thousand Illegal Immigrants Reach Europe In First Week Of 2018

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 January 2018 22:00.

Defend Europa, “More Than A Thousand Illegal Immigrants Reach Europe In First Week Of 2018”, 9 Jan 2018:

According to statistics published by the United Nations’ International Organisation for Migration, over a thousand illegal immigrants breached Europe’s porous borders in the first week of 2018.

1,072 illegals arrived via land and sea from 1st-8th January of this year, whilst a further 81 perished en route.

It is a clear sign that the allure of Europe shows no sign of abating for those of the Third World, as the present level of illegal immigrants flowing into the continent is only negligibly lower than for the same period in 2017.

Of the early 2018 arrivals, 453 arrived through Italy, 449 through Greece and 170 through Spain.

It’s becoming common knowledge these days that those who “arrive through Italy and Greece” are, in reality, simply ferried to these countries from the North African coast. Indeed, as we have reported on numerous occasions, NGO vessels are operating a ferry service for migrants whose useless attempts at a dinghy sink a few nautical miles off the Libyan coast.

And these latest figures ominously exclude those who arrive via land, through the Spanish border with Morocco for instance, which has been known to be stormed by up to 50 Africans per day. Needless to say, the Spanish authorities do little to prevent such illegalities.

The migrant industry shows no sign of even slowing as we enter another new year, and that is despite clear messages emanating from the electorates of many a European nation that they do not want anymore illegal immigrants.

Governments in Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Norway, and now Austria and even Great Britain, have signalled their unwillingness to accept any more Muslim immigrants from the Third World.

Yet still, this farcical merry-go-round continues, with NGOs and EU-sanctioned “search and rescue” vessels (where search and rescue means ferry service) persisting in their concerted attempts to import the Third World to Europe, often against the law or against direct decrees from their governing states.

Story by William, a writer based in England, Great Britain.

Germany: 300,000 Invader “Family Visas” Issued

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 13 January 2018 02:10.

The New Observer, “The German government is currently preparing nearly one third of a million “family visas” for the immediate families of non-White invaders given “asylum” in that country—and this is just the start of the program of ‘family reunification,” 10 Jan 2018:

According to a report in the Bild newspaper, the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin is currently preparing at least 300,000 visas for “family members of refugees” living in Germany with subsidiary protection.

This is however only the start of the program, as currently, family reunification for refugees with “limited subsidiary protection” is suspended until mid-March 2018.

“Limited subsidiary protection” is only “temporary” asylum—in theory—whereas full subsidiary protection is for those who have been granted permanent asylum status.

There are currently far more invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” than those with full subsidiary protection, and if the rules are changed to allow the former group to bring their families as well, the number of “family visas” will swell into the millions.

The move to temporarily halt family reunification for those with “limited subsidiary protection” was made by Angela Merkel’s ruling Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party following the strong showing of the anti-invasion Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, as an attempt to dampen support for that group.

However, the Merkel government is in talks with its previous long-term coalition partner, the Socialist Party of Germany (SPD) to form a new government—and the topic of family reunification rights for those invaders with “limited subsidiary protection” is a major topic of discussions between the two parties.

The SPD has set it as a basic demand that those with temporary protection be given the right to “family reunification” and it seems likely that Merkel will give way on this demand in order to remain in power.

It has previously been well-established that those granted “limited subsidiary protection” always end up staying permanently anyway, as once they have been in Germany for five years, they qualify for permanent residence.

See also: Germany: Nonwhite in One Generation

“Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom”: Norman Finkelstein on the Many Lies Perpetuated About Gaza

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 11 January 2018 22:25.

Israel is facing a possible international criminal court war-crimes probe over its 2014 assault on Gaza, which killed more than 2,100 Palestinians, including over 500 children.


200,000 Salvadorans May Be Forced to Leave the U.S. As Trump Ends Immigration Protection

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 09 January 2018 04:50.

In my cursory look at the situation, if these photos are indications of the genetics of the nations Honduras and El Salvador, I’d wish to treat Salvadorians as closer allies than Hondurans - all are expected to manage their own, of course. But there would be a preference for Siberian influence over African for any WN but the most disingenuous, elitist snob. 


After that - i.e., protecting from the genetic distance and destruction of African, Jewish and some genetic groups housed within Islam - the matter is largely of carrying capacity, and who can be reasoned with to manage human ecologies - both reasons factor largely into considerations of who to ally with more closely, but particularly when it comes to “reasoning with people” to manage human ecologies, the first three categories are less promising in addition to their genetic distance (or insufficient lack thereof in the case of Jewish crypsis).

Carrying capacity is not only a concern of pervasive ecology corresponding with the management of human ecological enclaves within a nation such as The Unites States, but also a matter of the reasoned negotiation of ethnostates - with a reasoned negotiation, would living in Honduras or El Salvador be such a bad thing?

Still, that’s not the immediately interesting question. The question is, why are right wingers cool with blacks but not people like the Salvadorians? Again, I get the carrying capacity argument and the fact that they are in large part different from Whites, but when I hear Richard Spencer saying that he is cool with giving Florida to blacks, and his right wing ilk playing the violin for blacks being dispossessed by Central and South Americans it bothers me. I’ll take that trade-off of Amerindios/Amerindio-White mix for blacks any day (and yes, CC, we do need allies). And who has more righteous claim to Florida - the Seminole or blacks? Who should have more claim to the Caribbean - The Taino or blacks?

Monica Martinez, Salvadorian advocate.

Washington Post, “200,000 Salvadorans May Be Forced to Leave the U.S. As Trump Ends Immigration Protection”, 8 Jan 2018:

In one of its most significant immigration decisions, the Trump administration said Monday that it will terminate the provisional residency permits of about 200,000 Salvadorans who have lived in the country since at least 2001, leaving them to potentially face deportation.

The administration said it will give the Salvadorans until Sept. 9, 2019, to leave the United States or find a way to obtain legal residency, according to a statement Monday from the Department of Homeland Security. The Salvadorans were granted what is known as Temporary Protected Status, or TPS, after earthquakes hit the country in 2001, and their permits have been renewed on an 18-month basis since then.

Monday’s announcement was consistent with the White House’s broader stated goal of reducing legal immigration to the United States and intensifying efforts to expel those who arrived illegally. But Homeland Security officials characterized the decision by Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in narrower legal terms: as a recognition that conditions in El Salvador have improved enough since the earthquakes to no longer warrant the TPS designation.


The DHS statement noted that the U.S. government has deported more than 39,000 Salvadorans in the past two years, demonstrating, it said, “that the temporary inability of El Salvador to adequately return their nationals after the earthquake has been addressed.”

DHS officials said 262,500 Salvadorans have been granted TPS permits, but recent estimates indicate that closer to 200,000 people with that status reside in the United States.


“Only Congress can legislate a permanent solution addressing the lack of an enduring lawful immigration status of those currently protected by TPS who have lived and worked in the United States for many years,” the DHS statement read. “The 18-month delayed termination will allow Congress time to craft a potential legislative solution.”

Trump administration officials have repeatedly said they considered the TPS program an example of American immigration policy gone awry, noting that when Congress created the designation in 1990, its purpose was to provide “temporary” protection from deportation following a natural disaster, armed conflict or other calamity.

In November, DHS ended TPS for 60,000 Haitians who arrived after a 2010 earthquake, and for 2,500 Nicaraguan migrants protected after Hurricane Mitch in 1998.

Salvadorian women and children


Lawmakers from both parties who represent cities and states with large immigrant populations blasted Monday’s DHS decision, including Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), who called it “a shameful and cynical move” whose purpose is to “score political points with the extreme right-wing Republican base.”


There were new signs Monday that TPS could end up as a bargaining chip in a potential congressional immigration deal. A source familiar with the negotiations said Congress could step in to help the Salvadorans, Haitians and other groups whose temporary protected status is now set to expire in 2019.

Honduran family of Rosa Rivera.

NY Daily News, “Hondurans live in limbo as over 200,000 Salvadorans await Trump’s decision on Temporary Protected Status”, 6 January 2018:

It was the hardest decision of Rosa Rivera’s life: leaving her three small kids in Honduras as she headed for the U.S.

“You don’t know how it felt to leave them so young and then to see them grown today,” said Rivera, 55, speaking with the Daily News in Spanish. “But it was for them to have a better life. That was my sacrifice.”

Rivera is one of roughly 86,000 Hondurans with federal Temporary Protected Status, a program created by Congress through the Immigration Act of 1990.

She and the rest are temporarily shielded from deportation and permitted to live and work legally in the U.S. — although that could change this year.

Related article at Majorityrights: Do the Taino still exist?

Trump sought to parlay loss into media empire, Bannon warned win would spotlight Russian laundering

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 05 January 2018 07:06.

According to Wolff book: Trump was shocked by presidential victory. He had run with anticipation of a loss to Hillary based on her “fake” media support which he could parlay into a “real” media empire by contrast; Bannon warned presidential victory would spotlight Trump’s Russian money laundering; Melania cried in stress over “botched plan gone right” which actually landed the presidency for Donald.

NewsWeek, “Trump Was Horrified When He Won the White House and Melania Cried, Book Claims”, 3 Jan 2018:

No one on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign team thought Trump would actually become president—and they didn’t really want him to either, according to excerpts from Michael Wolff’s book published Wednesday in New York magazine.

Now-President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Donald Trump Jr., campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and first lady Melania Trump were all reportedly left dumbfounded and afraid on the night of the election in 2016, the book claims. Shortly after 8 on election night, it became clear that Trump had a real shot of becoming president. Wolff wrote that Don Jr. said his father “looked as if he had seen a ghost. Melania was in tears—and not of joy.” Steve Bannon, who helped run the Trump campaign and helped Trump’s team through the transition, said he saw Trump morph from “a disbelieving Trump and then into a horrified Trump.”

A week before the election, Trump was sure he would lose the presidency. But still, according to Wolff’s book, he told Ailes that it was “bigger than I ever dreamed of. I don’t think about losing, because it isn’t losing. We’ve totally won.”

Then he actually won.

Wolff’s claims match various reporting on Trump’s election: He certainly wanted the fame that goes along with running a successful campaign, but critics theorized that he wasn’t quite as happy claiming the job of president. In February, The New York Times reported that Trump misses his access to “fans and supporters — an important source of feedback and validation.” The Associated Press wrote that Trump didn’t even want to live in the White House.

But Wolff’s new book claims Trump and his campaign never planned to win and never wanted to accept the job that comes along with a victory. So once he did take office, the West Wing was in disarray, with Bannon, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner all operating in a free-form environment. Bannon, especially, saw his role as creating the “soul” of the White House, according to Wolff. And Trump’s own behavior was credited as not befitting the White House.

“Nothing contributed to the chaos and dysfunction of the White House as much as Trump’s own behavior,” Wolff wrote. “The big deal of being president was just not apparent to him. Most victorious candidates, arriving in the White House from ordinary political life, could not help but be reminded of their transformed circumstances by their sudden elevation to a mansion with palacelike servants and security, a plane at constant readiness, and downstairs a retinue of courtiers and advisers. But this wasn’t that different from Trump’s former life in Trump Tower, which was actually more commodious and to his taste than the White House.”

Wolff’s book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House is to be published by Henry Holt & Co. on January 9.

The Hill, “Bannon warned Russia probe would focus on money laundering: report”, 3 January 2018:

Former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon warned that the special counsel investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia would focus on money laundering, according to a book to be published next week.

The revelation is included in “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” a new book by Michael Wolff. The Guardian, which has viewed a copy, published several stories on Wednesday about the book, which includes interviews with Bannon and President Trump.

Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort was charged with money laundering in an October indictment brought by special counsel Robert Mueller, as was his associate Richard Gates.

In Wolff’s book, Bannon identifies Weissmann, an attorney on Mueller’s team, as a “money-laundering guy.”

“You realize where this is going,” Bannon said in the book. “This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to fucking Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr and Jared Kushner. … It’s as plain as a hair on your face.”

“They’re going to crack Don Junior like an egg on national TV,” Bannon said, referring to the president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr.

The former White House chief strategist also spoke about the 2016 meeting between Trump Jr. and a group of Russians, describing it as “treasonous.”

And Bannon in “Fire and Fury” mentioned connections between Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and loans taken out from the German Deutsche Bank that have come under scrutiny in relation to the investigation.

In December, federal prosecutors subpoenaed Deutsche Bank for records tied to Kushner’s family’s real estate business, Kushner Companies.

“It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit,” Bannon said of the probe. “The Kushner shit is greasy. They’re going to go right through that. They’re going to roll those two guys up and say play me or trade me.”

Business Insider
, “I know why Steve Bannon let Michael Wolff into the White House”, 4 Jan 2018:

- Michael Wolff’s new book, “The Fire and the Fury,” is rocking the Trump White House, and it hasn’t even been released yet.

- It has the president turning on former adviser Steve Bannon. This is in part because Bannon helped Wolff gain incredible access to the White House.

- Why? Add this to the long list of ego-driven media mistakes made by the administration - a costly one at that.

- What Bannon didn’t count on was that Wolff isn’t a soldier in his army.

I feel like I write this all the time, but the White House is in chaos.

The Trump administration is being thrown by the forthcoming publication of Michael Wolff’s book “The Fire and The Fury: Inside the Trump White House.”

The excerpts, until now jealously guarded at select media outlets like New York Magazine and NBC for weeks, tell of a shockingly incompetent president and the in-over-their-heads aides who openly disrespect him. It is chaos, and someone let Wolff take a front seat and watch it all.

That person, by all accounts, was former White House adviser Stever Bannon. While Trump may have known that the biographer of his idol, Rupert Murdoch, was on site, it was Bannon who ensured Wolff had access.

Why? Consider it one part self-aggrandizement, another part a desire for acceptance, and wholly and completely a continuation of Bannon’s desperate search for ideological allies.


US Navy Information Dominance Warfare: the question is…

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 02 January 2018 07:28.

          A kiss and a medal for Jack Posobiec


Per JP 1-02, Information Operations is “the integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.”

The question is: Is their mission virtually one and the same as Israel’s at this point? .... The crew of the USS Liberty might have hoped not.

Center for International Maritime Security, Current Operations, Cyber War

CIMSEC, “Navy Information Warfare — What is it?”, 13 Sept 2016:

By Richard Mosier

U.S. Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer Breast Insignia

United States Navy Information Dominance Warfare Officer warfare pin breast insignia is two-and-three-quarter inches by one-and-one-eighth inches, gold matte metal pin showing a background of ocean waves, a crossed Naval officer’s sword and lightning bolt, a fouled anchor, and a globe.

Defining a warfare area’s mission and function is the foundation for all activities required to conduct mission area analysis to determine requirements, develop doctrine and tactics, and structure, train, and equip the fleet to accomplish the mission.

Within the U.S. Navy, the terms Information Warfare (IW), Information Operations (IO), and Information Operations Warfare are widely used but not well defined. Nor are they linked to provide coherent definitions from joint and service perspectives that are essential to successful communication regarding IW’s relationship to other warfare areas and supporting activities. The result is confusion, a lack of progress in structuring, training, and equipping the U.S. Navy to perform this emerging predominant warfare area

The following are examples of how these terms mean different things to different groups:

Reference: Station Hypo, 14 Jul 16, “CWOBC, a Community’s Course“: “The Cryptologic Warfare Officer Basic Course (CWOBC) formerly known as the Information Warfare Basic Course (IWBC) is an entry level course for all officers, regardless of commission source, who are coming into the Cryptologic Warfare Officer (CWO) community. Six weeks in length with an average annual throughput of 154, the course focuses on Signal Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), Cyber Operations, as well as security fundamentals and community history.” Inasmuch as the content of the basic course remained the same, the terms “Information Warfare” and “Cryptologic Warfare” appear to mean the same thing for this group. 

50828-N-PU674-005 PENSACOLA, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2015) Officers attending the Information Professional Basic Course at Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station listen to Rear Adm. Daniel J. MacDonnell, commander of Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command (IDCRC) and Reserve deputy commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR). Macdonnell spoke with them about career opportunities in the Information Dominance Corps and active and reserve integration.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Aug. 28, 2015) Officers attending the Information Professional Basic Course at Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station listen to Rear Adm. Daniel J. MacDonnell, commander of Information Dominance Corps Reserve Command (IDCRC) and Reserve deputy commander of Navy Information Dominance Forces (NAVIDFOR). Macdonnell spoke with them about career opportunities in the Information Dominance Corps and active and reserve integration.

Reference the BUPERS Information Warfare Community Management web page. It only addresses Information Professionals (1820), Cryptologic Warfare Specialists (1810), Cyber Warfare Engineers (1840), Intelligence Officers (1830), and Oceanography Specialists (1800), implying that together this aggregation of legacy support specialties constitutes Information Warfare. All of these are restricted line designators that by definition exercise command only over organizations that perform these specialties. There are no unrestricted line designators for specializing in and exercising Information Operations Warfare Commander (IWC) functions described in Naval Warfare Publication NWP 3-56 below.

Reference: NAVADMIN 023/16, DTG 021815 Feb 16, Subject: Information Dominance Corps Re-designated Information Warfare Community. The message states Information Warfare’s mission is: “providing sufficient overmatch in command and control, understanding the battlespace and adversaries, and projecting power through and across all domains.” This description of the Information Warfare mission is substantially different from the definition of Information Operations defined by Secretary of Defense, adopted by the JCS, and reflected in Naval Warfare Publications.

The Secretary of Defense defines Information Operations in DOD Directive 3600.1, dated May 2, 2013, as: “The integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.” This definition was incorporated in Joint Pub 1-02 and Naval Warfare Publications.

Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) 3-13 Information Operations, Feb 2014, defines Information Operations as: “the integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.” Paragraph 1-3 states: “Evolving joint and Navy doctrine has refined IO as a discrete warfare area, not just a supporting function or enabling capability, and the IE [information environment] as a valuable and contested part of the battlespace.”

160123-N-PU674-018 PENSACOLA, Fla. (Jan. 23, 2016) Information warfare Sailors from the Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station mentor high school students during CyberThon, an event designed to develop the future cybersecurity workforce. Hosted by the Blue Angels Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, CyberThon challenged the students to play the role of newly hired information technology professionals tasked with defending their company’s network.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (Jan. 23, 2016) Information warfare Sailors from the Center for Information Dominance Unit Corry Station mentor high school students during CyberThon, an event designed to develop the future cybersecurity workforce. Hosted by the Blue Angels Chapter of the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, CyberThon challenged the students to play the role of newly hired information technology professionals tasked with defending their company’s network.

Naval Warfare Publication (NWP) 3-56, subject: Composite Warfare Commander, Feb 2010, Paragraph 3.7 identifies twenty-three typical functions assigned to the “Information Operations Warfare Commander (IWC)” that are summarized below:

Planning IO, EW, Military Deception, Operations Security, PSYOP, and Spectrum Usage. 

Developing, coordinating, and practicing preplanned responses for counter-surveillance, counter-influence, and counter-targeting in response to changes in the tactical situation.     

Recommending the EMCON profile and coordinating with ASWC to manage acoustic emissions in response to changes in the tactical situation.

Controlling ES and EA assets, and coordinating employment of ES and cryptologic sensors.

Conducting computer Network Defense (CND) and COMSEC monitoring.


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son of a nietzsche man commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Mon, 05 Aug 2024 12:17. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Mon, 05 Aug 2024 10:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 23:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 21:16. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 20:06. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 17:52. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sun, 04 Aug 2024 14:22. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Harvest of Despair' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 11:07. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 05:05. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Sat, 03 Aug 2024 04:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 23:03. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 12:26. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'The legacy of Southport' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Farage only goes down on one knee.' on Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:29. (View)

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